Farmer Al's Weekly Pick: Apricot & Cherry Pre-orders

Farmer Al's Weekly Pick: Apricot & Cherry Pre-orders


Did you do anything for Earth Day this last Sunday? While I’m still getting the hang of Facebook and Twitter, I’d love to hear. Since having turned to organic farming over 20 years ago, I try and treat every day like Earth Day, being out in nature and working on better ways for the farm to reflect my values. I've been checking daily on the orchard and on our composting project where we’re experimenting and doing some exciting things with compost, working to put back into the soil the same quality it provides us through our trees.

Though harvest is rapidly approaching, there’s still time to sign up for our apricot program and cherry program. I urge you to get your name on our list now in case Mother Nature throws us a curveball in the next few weeks. My picks recently have been all about these upcoming early-harvest programs where I've chosen the top varieties for our fans to experience. This week I’m giving you the choice. If four shipments of our best cherries or six shipments of our best apricots is more stone fruit than you can handle, get a taste of our Brooks cherries, Apache apricots, or Kettleman apricots with an individual box pre-order.

Organically yours,


Apache apricots and Brooks cherries are expected to ship May 14th. Kettleman apricots are expected to ship the week following, around May 21st. Dates given are estimates.

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