Plum Granita

Plum Granita

Today we are looking at a high of 106 degrees in Brentwood. This weather does not stop our hard working farmers. The veggie farmer's, Marlene and Kristin are out in the field tending to their summer crops, while Magana and his crew are harvesting the Fantasia nectarines and the Suncrest peaches. As the chef, I feel that my best contribution to the day is to make the farm workers a refreshing treat to enjoy during the hottest part of the day.  

Plum Granita 

This recipe can be prepared with our Santa Rosa plums or our Flavor King Pluots


1 lb plums or pluots

1/2 cup sugar

1 cup water


Quarter fruit and remove pits. Place the fruit in a food processor or blender. Add Sugar and water and puree ingredients. Pour the puree into a shallow baking dish or tray. Cover with saran wrap and let sit overnight. The next day, remove the granita from the freezer and roughly chop until the granita is loose and flaky. Scoop into serving dishes and serve cold.

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