Serves 4-6
1 lb. of small Brussels sprouts, shaved thin
3 apples, cored and cut into thin batons
1 – 6-ounce bag of maple walnuts
5 ounces of smoked mozzarella, grated
Olive oil to taste
2-3 pink lemons, juiced
Kosher salt and black pepper to taste
How to make to make a cheese crisp
Preheat a non-stick pan on low for 5 minutes.
Place the grated cheese on the pan. Cook until the cheese is nicely brown and set. Using a spatula, flip the cheese crisp and cook for 2-3 minutes until both sides are crispy and browned. Remove from the pan and allow the crisp to cool off. Use your hand and crush up the crisp into small pieces.
In a large mixing bowl, place the ingredients, dress and season to taste. Arrange the crisps.
Serve at once.