We're excited to re-introduce Frog Hollow Farm's rum-tastic fruitcake. While rum-tastic isn't a word that will get you far in a game of Scrabble, we guarantee that a bite of this rich, dense and very boozy cake will certainly give you the confidence to defend your choice of word.
Packed with sun-dried fruits from the farm and walnuts, the fruitcake is traditional in that it is loaded with fine quality dark rum; oh yes, a lot of rum!
First, organic sun-dried fruits from Frog Hollow Farm and organic walnuts are soaked in rum over night before the cakes are made! Then the leftover rum from the macerated fruits is added to the batter and then again it is sprinkled over the cakes as they come out of the oven. When cool, each cake is wrapped in cheesecloth that has been previously soaked in rum. Did we hear you say 'rum-tastic' yet?
Our very first fruitcakes of the season are ready and available to ship now! Be sure to get your order in by Sunday, Oct. 22 to get it in time for your Halloween party!