Makes 6 pieces
- 3 apricots, halved and pitted
- Olive oil to taste
- Quality balsamic vinegar to taste
- 2 Almonds, grated using a microplane
- 4 ounces of goat cheese, scooped using a small ice cream scooper
- Chive flowers to taste
On the stovetop, heat a cast-iron grill on medium-high and allow it to smoke.
Place the apricots halves on the grill and cook for 3-4 minutes.
Remove the apricots from the grill and allow it to cool for few minutes.
Using a small ice cream scooper, scoop out six servings.
Place them on the grilled apricots. Season with kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper and dress with
olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Garnish with chive blossoms and grated almonds. Serve at once.