- 1 lbs. of brussel sprouts, trimmed, cut in half and blanched in salted water until al dente
- 2 Pink Lady apples, destemmed, cored and sliced into quarters
- 1 small red onion, peeled, cut in half and sliced into half moons
- 2 tbsp. of unsalted butter
- Olio Nuovo to taste
- Meyer lemon juice to taste
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
- ¼ tsp. of chopped chives
In a cast iron pan on medium heat, add 1 tbsp. of butter, and sauté apples and onions until nicely browned. Season to taste and set aside. Clean the cast iron pan.In a cast iron pan on medium heat, add 1 tbsp of butter and place the blanched brussels sprouts flat side down, and cook until the brussel sprouts are nicely charred. Remove the sprouts from the pan.
Place the sauteed onions, apples and the charred brussel sprouts in a large mixing bowl and check for seasoning. Add Olio Nuovo, Meyer lemon juice and season to taste.
Place the ingredients onto a serving platter. Garnish with chopped chives. Serve at once.